1. Definitions

"Exchange" refers to the website and services located at the domain crypto-taurus.com.

"User" refers to any individual or legal entity using the services of the Exchange.

"Cryptocurrency" denotes a digital or virtual asset designed as a medium of exchange.

2. General Provisions

The User confirms their legal capacity.

Registering on the Exchange implies acceptance of this Agreement.

3. Privacy

The Exchange ensures the confidentiality of the User's data.

The transfer of personal data may be carried out upon request from law enforcement agencies.

User data is stored for a duration of 5 years.

4. Trading Conditions

The User agrees to adhere to the trading rules set by the Exchange.

5. Payments and Fees

All fees and charges established by the Exchange are mandatory for payment.

6. Limitation of Liability

The Exchange is not liable for losses due to market fluctuations or User errors.

7. Security

The User undertakes not to share their access data to the Exchange with third parties.

8. Dispute Resolution

All disputes are resolved according to the laws of [your country].

9. Final Provisions

The Exchange reserves the right to modify the terms of this Agreement, notifying Users accordingly.